A Que Se Refiere Con Legalidad

More simply, the principle of legality means that all public authorities and private acts must be exercised according to a written law. That is, everything that emanates from a state must be regulated by law and not by the will of the people who inhabit that society. Therefore, legality Read more…

A Legal Limitation

The law has limits. It has at least the intermediate or practical limits that have just been discussed. But it`s too undisputed to be a particularly interesting claim, and there`s nothing like the taste of what made this topic so controversial. We will come back to that in a Read more…

5 Beliefs of Legalism

For more than 200 years, the Chinese people have experienced war as their daily reality, and a legalistic approach to trying to control people`s worst impulses – controlling people by threatening to severely punish injustice – seemed the best way to deal with chaos. Shang Yang`s legalism dealt with Read more…

24 Hour Legal Advice South Australia

The Ministry of the Attorney General provides legal and judicial services to the Government of South Australia and the community in accordance with the Legal Aid Strategy 2022-2025. Tel. 1300 782 200 (24 hours). Outside opening hours, crisis maintenance service tel. 131 611. Our free online application service covers Read more…

16 Year Old Work Laws Texas

Under child labour legislation, children are not allowed to be employed in hazardous occupations. This includes any tasks that could endanger the safety, health or well-being of the child. Under the FSA`s federal child labor laws, the U.S. Department of Labor has described many hazardous occupations. State and federal Read more…