(B) A business or utility providing gas, electricity, water, sewer or garbage services shall not, (2) cease or refuse services for the premises leased by the tenant because the landlord has refused to perform an agreement to be responsible for the fees charged to the tenant who rents the premises. (A) Unless otherwise agreed in writing, a tenant assumes sole financial responsibility for the gas, electricity, water, sewage or garbage services provided on the premises leased by the tenant and a landlord is not responsible for a tenant`s account. We also help our clients get their projects off the ground. We can represent utilities through often extensive environmental audits and permitting. The process may involve city and county governments, as well as the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. In all cases, whether it`s land use permits, environmental remediation or wetlands, we work to achieve cost-effective results. (C) This provision does not apply to a landlord who owns a residential complex consisting of four or more units served by a master meter or single connection. We also fight for citizen guards and use instruments such as the Freedom of Information Act. In one case, legal intervention led the South Carolina Department of Environmental and Health Control to hand over vital monitoring records for a landfill. We represent both utilities and installment payers in cases before the South Carolina Public Service Commission. However, our work does not stop at administrative and regulatory law. Our experienced litigators can call the South Carolina court system if necessary. We have appeared before the South Carolina Court of Appeals and the South Carolina Supreme Court.

BACKGROUND: Act No. 336 of 2002, Section 3A; Law No. 63 of 2003, Article 1. (1) require a landlord to sign an agreement to be responsible for all fees charged to premises leased by a lessee; or We also fought and won battles that made entire industries more profitable in the long run. In one case, our lawyer worked with expert witnesses to demonstrate that companies were paying too much for wastewater services. The case went to the South Carolina Supreme Court when the sewer company relented.
