It`s important to remember that individual states can pass laws that change the way they regulate prescribing requirements for different drugs. An example of this is marijuana, which is considered a Schedule I drug at the federal level, while some states allow its medical use and distribution. Pharmacists and practitioners should be aware of the legislation in their practice to ensure the most appropriate patient care. [1] Verbal instructions are orders given by the physician or other authorized prescription provider to a person authorized under the organization`s policies1 to receive and record oral instructions in accordance with laws and regulations2. They are defined as all telephone and personal patient care instructions given orally (1) by a licensed prescribing physician (p. e.g., physician, physician assistant [PA], clinical pharmacist or advanced practice nurse [APRN], (2) received from a person authorized by the organization to receive verbal instructions (e.g., RN, pharmacist, respiratory therapist) who records the prescription and reviews it to the person placing the order, and (3) is subsequently co-signed or authenticated by the authorized prescriber, to confirm the order3. General Information § 1306.01 – Scope of Part 1306. § 1306.02 – Definitions. § 1306.03 – Persons entitled to an order. § 1306.04 – Purpose of the prescription. § 1306.05 – Mode of issuance of orders. § 1306.06 – Prescribers. § 1306.07 – Administration or delivery of narcotics.

§ 1306.08 – Electronic prescriptions. § 1306.09 – Prescription obligation for online pharmacies. The U.S. has achieved 59% use of electronic health records in acute care hospitals, and with this change, providers can now receive electronic alerts about drug interactions, drug duplications, drug allergies, and maximum or minimum drug doses.4 These drug safety alerts help protect prescribing at the time of prescribing before prescriptions or prescriptions for drugs are submitted to a pharmacy. Electronic health record systems are the safest way to submit a prescription or order for medication to pharmacies. The use of oral prescriptions or medication orders is increasingly rare and should rarely be used when electronic health records are available, such as the need for use by custodial providers or use in emergency situations. EPCS was introduced in 2010 by the DEA, which stipulated that clinicians could submit prescriptions for controlled substances electronically. He also said pharmacies could dispense these e-prescriptions. The use of EPCS from a clinician`s and pharmacy`s perspective is voluntary, and each party can choose whether or not to use the system (however, some states such as New York make the use of e-prescribing mandatory with some exceptions). Practitioners can still write and sign prescriptions for Schedule II-V drugs if they wish; Verbal orders are only permitted for Schedule III-V drugs. The introduction of e-prescribing has significantly reduced the number of medication errors from a prescribing point of view (readability, dosage, frequency, etc.).

[3] [2] Controlled substances are the drugs with the greatest potential for abuse and substance use disorders and therefore have the most stringent regulatory and prescribing requirements at the federal and state levels. To prescribe medications, a doctor must have a DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) license. To fill a prescription, a pharmacist must also hold a controlled substance licence. Schedule I drugs (e.g. , heroin) cannot be prescribed or bottled by a pharmacist because they do not have an indicated medical use in the United States. Schedule II drugs are the highest level of potential drugs of abuse that can be prescribed by a clinician; Traditionally, these drugs could only be filled with a paper prescription; however, they are now available by prescription via electronic prescription of controlled substances (EPCS). Schedule III-V drugs can be prescribed by a physician using traditional paper prescriptions, a verbal prescription over the phone, or the EPCS system. [1] [2] 3 Wakefield DS, Wakefield BJ. Are verbal orders a threat to patient safety? Qual Saf Healthcare. 2009; 18(3):165-168. 1 Health organizations include community pharmacies, doctors` offices, hospitals, nursing homes, home care organizations, clinics and others.

In many cases, however, state law is stricter than federal law. One example is opioid prescription drug monitoring systems. Prescription drug monitoring programs are conducted from state to state and provide an electronic database of information on prescriptions made in that state. The purpose of these monitoring programs is to limit drug abuse and addiction. Not all states at the time of writing have a fully functional monitoring program. [6] Partial filling of List III-V drugs may be completed within six months of the initial prescription. [1] 4 ONC Data Brief ■ No. 16 ■ May 2014 Adoption of electronic health record systems in the United States. Non-federal acute care hospitals: 2008-2013 assessed 4/2015 If there is confusion for the pharmacist about the reason for a prescription or if there are other questions for the provider, the pharmacist should contact the provider directly. A 2017 study showed that of the prescriptions requiring clarification, 74% were new prescriptions and only 36% of clarifying prescriptions were prescribed electronically.
