As we have already explained, the powers of the Shura Council are not as extensive or effective as those of the People`s Assembly, its competence under Articles 194 and 195 of the Constitution includes the study and proposals of what is deemed necessary to preserve the principles of the Revolution of July 23, 1952 and the Correctional Revolution of May 15, 1971. These principles are aimed at consolidating national unity and social peace, protecting the workers` alliance and the socialist achievements of the people, as well as the fundamental components of society, its highest values, public rights, freedoms and duties, and strengthening the scope of the democratic system. Ancient Egyptian culture flourished by adhering to tradition and its legal system followed the same paradigm. Basic laws and legal prohibitions already existed in Egypt in predynastic times (ca. 6000-ca. 3150 BC). A.D.) and continued and developed as far as Egypt in 30 BC. It was annexed by Rome. Egyptian law was based on the central cultural value of ma`at (harmony), which had been instituted by the gods in early times. To be at peace with oneself, one`s community and the gods, it was enough to live a life of consideration, mindfulness and balance in accordance with the ma`at. One of the most famous cases is probably that of the eloquent peasant (the story of the eloquent peasant), who investigates the quest for justice of a poor man by high officials and the king himself.

This particular story was told at length in the Middle Kingdom of Egypt (2055-1650), illustrating that even the problems of ordinary peasants were considered important. Although men dominated the legal system in ancient Egypt, records show that women enjoyed important rights under the law. After a person`s death, property was often divided equally between boys and girls. Women can own and bequeath property, sue, testify in court and file for divorce. Children and the poor had considerable legal rights, and even slaves were allowed to own property under certain circumstances. Before the 7th century BC, most treatises and acts were oral, but with the advent of demotic writing, many legal transactions had to be written, and these documents give us a better picture of legal proceedings. A plaintiff had to take legal action and, if the case was found to be valid, the defendant was summoned to appear in court. Since there were no lawyers, both sides presented their own arguments. While witnesses were sometimes summoned, the judge usually decided on the basis of documentary evidence and the testimony of each party. The courts that applied the law were the Seru (a group of elders in a rural community), the Kenbet (a regional and national court) and the Jajat (the imperial court). If a crime was committed in a village and the Seru could not render a verdict, the case would go all the way to Kenbet, and then perhaps to Djadjat, but this seems to be a rare event. Normally, everything that happened in a village was managed by the seru of that city.

It is believed that the Kenbet was the body that promulgated laws and imposed sanctions at the regional (district) level as well as at the national level, and the Jajat took the final decision on the legality and enforceability of a law in accordance with the ma`at. · Interpretation of laws promulgated by the legislative authority and decrees issued by the Head of State in the event of differences in their application. However, people are not always considerate or attentive, and history shows how poorly they maintain balance; And so laws were created to encourage people on the desired path. Because the law was based on such a simple divine principle, and it seemed clear that adherence to that principle was beneficial to all, transgressors were often severely punished. While there are certainly cases of leniency to suspects, the operational legal perspective was that one was guilty until one`s innocence was proven, otherwise one would not have been charged in the first place. Egypt`s ancient legal system was based on common sense. The Egyptian goddess Ma`at was the goddess of justice. Basically, the law followed the teachings of Ma`at, according to the priests, about what was right and wrong. No vestige of written laws has been found. However, since the ancient Egyptians loved lists and wrote everything they could, historians would not be surprised to learn that they wrote (codified) at least some laws.

Were the laws fair to everyone? Probably. Courts of first instance are courts of first instance which have jurisdiction to hear appeals brought before them only if they fall within their jurisdiction and their decisions are generally subject to appeal. The Senate is engaged in the study and proposal of what it considers to be instruments in support of democracy, national unity, social peace, the fundamental values of society, the highest values, public rights, freedoms and duties, as well as to deepen and broaden the democratic system (Article 248). The Senate is composed of a number of members determined by law, i.e. at least 180 members. Two-thirds of the members of the Council shall be elected by direct secret ballot. The President of the Republic appoints the remaining third and elections are held in accordance with the law. A gold Ma`at pendant now in the British Museum was probably more or less an official insignia of legal officials. Some statues of high officials of the late period bear such a pendant. During the Greek period, Greek law existed alongside Egyptian law, but generally these laws favored the Greeks. When the Romans took control of Egypt, the Roman legal system that existed throughout the Roman Empire was applied in Egypt.

Before Greek times, however, it was ultimately the king as the living god who was the supreme judge and legislator. Of course, much of that authority has been delegated to others. Legal and administrative systems do not appear to have been clearly defined, so that someone in a position of authority may sometimes have made legal judgments. We know that the king`s viziers often acted as judges, and theoretically anyone with a legal problem could bring a case before a vizier, although it was sometimes difficult to arrange such an audience with busy and important officials. But more specifically, we believe that the title of Overseer of the Six Great Mansions refers to our modern equivalent of a judge. Mansions probably refers to the main course in Thebes, although we thought there were other great dishes in Egypt. Smaller cases were heard by a local council of elders, and each town or village had its own local kenet responsible for court proceedings. In such cases, these were usually minor issues, such as payment defaults. Nevertheless, the most important matters were probably reported to the king, who would then decide on the case and the appropriate justice.

Pharaoh had failed to maintain and maintain Ma`at, and this affected everyone up and down in the hierarchy of Egypt`s social structure. Funeral robberies have become more frequent – as have false witnesses – and even law enforcement has become corrupt. A policeman`s testimony was considered absolutely reliable, but the police of the second half of the New Reich could charge someone, have him convicted, and then take whatever they wanted from the suspect`s possession. It is believed that the laws of ancient Egypt were at least partially codified. In fact, we learn from a Greek writer that there were probably eight books at the end of the period that set out the legal code. But nothing remains of these documents, or indeed of the legal texts of other eras. However, we can derive some of the laws of ancient Egypt from burial texts as well as court and other documents. The power of the president is once again demonstrated by his promulgation and/or rejection of certain laws. He can send the bill back if he disagrees, even if it has been approved by the People`s Assembly. He has thirty days to return the bill after notifying the House.

Unlike Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries, Egypt`s legal system does not have a hisbah (Islamic religious police) office, but it does allow prosecution in “hisbah.” Local laws reflect the fact that Egypt is primarily an Islamic country. Respect local traditions, customs, laws and religions at all times and be aware of your actions to ensure they do not offend other cultures or religious beliefs. This is especially important during the holy month of Ramadan or if you intend to visit religious areas. Dress modestly, especially in rural areas, mosques and souks (markets). Public expressions of affection are frowned upon. What is acceptable in tourist areas may not be acceptable in other areas. In many ways, ancient Egyptian laws have survived to this day. The Greek legislator Solon visited Egypt in the 6th century BC, studied its law and adapted many aspects of it into the legal system of Athens. During the Greek period of Egypt, Egyptian law continued to influence the separate Greek legal system. When the Romans took Egypt, their legal system was influenced by both Greeks and Egyptians, and today we continue to implement a number of aspects of Roman law. Egyptian law includes courts, criminal offences and various types of laws. Egypt has its own constitution, which entered into force on January 18, 2014.

Egypt`s constitution is the country`s fundamental law.
