Lamellar armor, consisting of hundreds of small rectangular slats of wood, skin, bone, wood, bronze or iron, have been widely used throughout Eurasia, from Europe to Japan. Rectangular slats with holes to be tied together with straps or ropes first appeared in Assyria in the eighth or seventh century BC. J.-C., then spread through Central Asia to Siberia, Mongolia, China, Korea and finally Japan in the fifth century AD. After the Natyasastra, the first work that Shrutis discussed in detail, virtually every treatise on music elaborated, criticized, or commented on this subject. Shruti is closely related to the basic concept of Svara. While svara is a musical note or scale, shruti is a more subtle division of the octave. Since ancient times, it is said that an octave contains twenty-two shrutis, and as we will see, the relationship between Shruti and Svara was a great source of confusion. It was not uncommon to refer to shrutis as microtons or quarter tones, but with twenty-two shrutis dividing over seven svara in an octave, this clearly poses a mathematical problem. قاموس القانوني، انكليزي عربيمكان النشر: Baghdad, Iraqالناشر: Unidentified publisherالموضوع: Law — DictionariesEnglish language — Dictionaries — ArabicEnglish languageLawقم النداء: PJ6680. W3K52 A7 W34 1963المجموعة: Arabic Collections Onlineاللّغة: Arabicالمُزوِّد: Columbia University Libraries This book was published under a Creative Commons license with a mention of author and source.