Want to learn more about funny, obscure and crazy laws in the United States? Put your knowledge to work with a degree in criminal justice from Olivet Nazarene University. The 50 states of America have some pretty strange laws in their books. We`ve looked at the strangest law in any state so you can wonder if you`re really or always have been a law-abiding citizen. There`s no doubt about it: there are crazy and bizarre state laws in the United States. Sure, they may have made sense when they were written, but today, these really strange government facts about U.S. laws are enough for anyone to wonder why they were created in the first place — not to mention doing big, random little things to confuse your friends! Who knew, for example, that it`s illegal for a donkey to sleep in a bathtub in Arizona, or that you technically can`t send surprise pizza to your friends in Louisiana? To get a better idea of how strange U.S. regulations can be, we`ve compiled 15 of the weirdest laws from across the country. Going back to archaic and draconian laws, under Nebraska law, it is illegal for anyone with a sexually transmitted disease to marry. This law is absolutely ridiculous and impossible to enforce, because a marriage certificate does not require a blood test. Texas has some pretty outrageous laws — even these days.
But one of the darkest and most outdated laws is that anyone who wants to hold office in Texas must believe in God. There are many laws that make perfect sense – we don`t want it to be legal to hit and run or break into a house to steal a TV. In addition to all these practical rules, there are laws that are so strange that they are almost unbelievable. We searched the internet and official government websites to find some of the strangest laws that exist today. www.onlyinyourstate.com/south-dakota/crazy-laws-sd/ It`s one of those laws that really makes you scratch your head and think, “There must be a story here.” Unfortunately, it is likely that it was lost because of the vine and we are left with this strange dairy rule. However, there are no written laws for permanent sleep. www.baltimoresun.com/maryland/bs-md-antiquated-laws-20180917-story.html#:~:text=%C2%BB%20Fortunetelling%20is%20illegal%20in%20Baltimore,for%20up%20to%20a%20year. America, the land of the free. With all this freedom, the people developed a constitution that inspired revolutions across Europe. One thing that has not escaped this nation, however, is a set of its own strange and confusing laws.
When you think about this legislation, it makes sense. What makes it strange is the very well worded way it is titled. www.silive.com/news/2017/05/strangest_laws_in_new_york_sta.html#:~:text=It`s%20OK%20to%20wear%20your,in%20public%20past%2010%20p.m.&text=In%20New%20York%20State%2C%20you,a%20clothes%20line%20to%20dry. Nebraska laws prohibit anyone with any type of STD from marrying. This law is in place to protect people from unknowingly marrying someone with an STD – but it is difficult to enforce. When you get a marriage license in Nebraska, you don`t need to provide any medical records or your background, just photo ID and proof of age — no blood test is required. This ordinance in Gainesville, Georgia, passed in 1961 to promote the city, specifically prohibits eating fried chicken with anything other than hands. Although the “law” is not really taken literally and is rarely enforced, a visitor was arrested for eating her fried chicken with a knife and fork in 2009. Many of these outdated laws may not be enforced today, but it`s certainly still a lot of fun to think about how they were once necessary (and in some cases, still exist!). From random facts about food to really ridiculous rules about animals in every state, get ready to laugh, watch, and control your eye from the side by clicking on the most absurd laws and bans in the great United States.
Vermont`s laws are pretty serious when it comes to laundry. So much so that it is written in Vermont laws that he will not prohibit Vermonters from installing clotheslines. All this time, I assumed that Britain had some rather strange laws, with stranded whales offered to the Queen, an anti-armour law in Parliament, and a ban on treating a salmon under suspicious circumstances. Some of these U.S. laws are certainly weirder, more confusing, and others a little more frightening. And from the perspective of an adult who loves Halloween and surprise pizza, some of them were just sad. www.losangelesduilawyer.org/los-angeles-dui-info/7-lois-vous-ne-saviez-pas-que-vous-cissiez-vous / www.phoenixarizonacriminallawyer.com/criminal-attorney/arizona-criminal-law/the-stories-behind-arizonas-weirdest-laws/#:~:text=Law%20%234%3A%20donkeys,reasons%2C%20we%E2%80%99re%20sure. It turns out that there are many unusual laws written throughout American history – and many of these laws are still in effect today. In Alabama, for example, you could technically be arrested if you dress up as a clergy on Halloween.
If your cucumber doesn`t bounce back in the state of Connecticut, you could face a hefty fine.